Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Easy artwork

As mentioned in a previous post, the movers broke the ottoman I had made and unfortunately it was beyond repair.  I loved the fabric however and I knew I wanted to use it for something else.  I had some old frames and thought it would make great (and free) artwork for my guest room.

The Supplies:
Frame with glass in desired size
Fabric (to fit frames)

What I did:
First iron the fabric to remove all wrinkles.  If you leave wrinkles in the fabric they will be noticeable through the glass.  Cut fabric slightly larger than the frame.  Lay the fabric on the glass and place the back of the frame on.  No need to cut the fabric to size because you can fold it overt the back of the frame and tape it in place.  And that's it!  You can play around with a collage of different fabrics and frame sizes to make a great art wall.