Monday, April 23, 2012

My wine bar needs some love!

I have a wine bar and it is in desperate need of some accessories to pizazz it up.  Do you see those amazing wine cork projects? Whether wreaths or cork boards, I love the idea of recycling wine corks into great decor for your home.  I have been collecting corks for a year now and finally had a substantial size pile.  I decided that I would like to make some artwork for my new wine bar.  I began searching for the perfect wine quote.  It is amazing how many important famous people had a little something to say about wine (or any form of alcohol for that matter!)  I found the perfect quote by Alexander Fleming, credited with discovering penicillin.

A piece of wood
Wine corks
Hot glue gun

What I did
First I painted a piece of wood that I had with a few coats of paint.  Once I found my quote, I printed it out in a font that I liked in a size large enough to see from a distance.  I placed the print outs on my wood and traced the letters with a pen which makes an indentation in the wood.  I then went back with black acrylic paint and hand painted the letters by following the lines I made from tracing.  This took 2 coats of paint to get a dark enough black.  After the paint was dry, I laid out my corks around the border.  I was short by 10 corks!!  Luckily I was going wine tasting with a friend and the owner graciously gave me a large bag of corks that was enough to do the entire project without the corks that I had collected.  I glued the corks in place.  I then decided that I wanted a little something extra and used rope that I had leftover and glued it around the border of the wood.

I love the sign!!  I am looking forward to using the rest of my corks for a great project in the future to compliment this.

After completing this, I still wanted a little more to add to the bar.  I have a lot of rope leftover from previous projects, and I was searching for ideas to use the rest.  I found great vases that were covered with colored yarn and thought why not do the same with rope?

Glass vases--purchased form the Dollar Store
Glue gun

What I did
First make sure to clean and dry your vases.   I started at the top and glued the rope in place.  Continue to wrap the rope around the vase added glue every couple of inches until you get to the bottom.

This is a great and simple project you can do to jazz up a vase.  As mentioned before you can also use yarn.

What I'm working on next:
I have always wanted a unique headboard and now is the time to make one!

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